Frequently Asked Questions 

Payments and Pricing


What is a deposit? Is it refundable? 

A deposit is a retainer fee that I require to officially book your date. I charge this fee to help cover my time and expenses if you cancel your session. It is not refundable if you cancel your session. If your session gets rained out, or I must move your session, your deposit is transferrable, as long as the situation is outside of your control. If previously unseen circumstances arise and you must rebook your session, please let me know as soon as you can. Depending on the situation, I am generally willing to transfer your deposit to your new date. 


When is full payment due? 

Payment is due on or before the day of your session. This way your fees are completely taken care of, and you won't have to deal with any invoices in order to see your gallery. As soon as your photos are ready, you will be given the password to your gallery.


Do you accept credit cards?

Absolutely! I have several methods of credit/debit card billing, but my favorite is PayPal. If you would like to pay for your session with a card, simply mention it to me by the day before your session. I can send an invoice to your email for you, or I will bring my card reader that attaches directly to my phone for card swiping. I also accept cash or check for payment on the day of your session. 


What if I can't afford your prices?

Please let me know if you are unable to make one of my packages work for your budget! I pay rent and utility bills, have a kiddo who sometimes gets sick, and am still paying off hospital bills too. I completely understand. Sometimes you have awesome life events that you desperately want to capture forever, but they seem to have the absolute worst timing financially. 

While I cannot sell myself short, I also want you to have beautiful photos of your family! I have done sessions before that only produce 10 proofs instead of my usual 40-150, and will price them accordingly. 


What if I only need something small like headshots?

As discussed in my previous question, absolutely let me know if you are looking for something less or more than my packages listed on my website! I am all about charging you what is fair for both the product you receive, and for my time! 


After My Session 


When will I get to see my proofs?

In general, the timeline for receiving your edited proofs is as follows:*

Senior, family, and engagement sessions: 2 weeks

Newborn sessions: 3-4 weeks

Weddings: 4-10 weeks

I make every effort to get your proofs back to you faster than the above timelines. Please understand that I take special care to edit each of your photos in a unique manner. Just one photo can take up to an hour to edit, and sometimes sessions can include up to 200 photos. 

* This is not a guarantee for when you will receive your proofs, though I do make every effort to return your proofs as soon as possible.


Can I download my photos? 

Yes- if you have purchased digitals. Some of my packages include printing and downloading rights, and some do not. If you have not purchased digitals, your photos will be watermarked, and I will not allow downloading. If you chose a package that includes printing through my pro lab only, and you think you might want printing rights as well, you always have the option to purchase digitals after your session for $100.


If I purchase digitals, do they have your watermark on them? 

No! No! No! These are photos of your son or daughter, your family, your spouse, or one of the biggest days of your life! I would never want my name plastered all over something that you are going to hang in your home. Watermarks only remain on photos that are posted on social media for purposes of advertising. The copyright to my photos is retained by me whether they are watermarked or not. 


Can I post my photos to social media? 

Absolutely!!* If you have purchased digitals, you may upload any photos from your session at any time to any social media. All I ask is that you provide credit to my page so your friends know who took them. You may tag my personal page, my photography page, or just mention me in the caption. This isn't necessary for photos that are already watermarked with my name.
If you have not purchased digitals, you may still post photos to your Facebook. Just let me know which photos you want to post, and I will send you over the watermarked versions of them for your posting!

* If posting to social media, you must sign my model release section of our client-photographer contract. I will explain this contract at your session.